First, my in-laws stopped by and dropped off a car for me (a picture will follow this post shortly).
Not a brand, spanking new car, but definitely the best car ever - a free one!
It's my sister in law's old one. She just purchased herself a brand spanking new one and since the one she was driving was her parents, and since I've been trying to get my hands on a cheap one for months now, it was passed "down" to me. It has quite a bit of miles on it, is 12 years old and goes by the name of Stacie, but, hey, it's free! Yippee!
While the passing of the car was happening, another sweet thing was being gifted to me (and to the husband and babe), as well. A beautiful mural was painted in our spare bedroom/future babe's room by the illustriously-talented Lu G, my ultra awesome sister in law. It was her baby shower gift to us.
And with the accessibilty of a car of my own, I went and did my first grocery run! Whoopee! How very consumerist and domestic of me. ;)
On this week's agenda:
- Getting the car registered, inspected, etc. so that the title can be transferred, the car can be legally mine & a NC resident (what it's always dreamed of!)
- Getting the car seat installed at a fire station and figuring out where to do that
- Getting things settled with my case worker so I can get insurance for my little one
- La Leche League meeting to learn more about breastfeeding from those who know best
- Building and setting up our mini dryer (it was ordered yesterday!)
Oh - also - I'm 38 weeks pregnant, and counting!
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